Singing Guide: Nico Santos

Singing Guide: Nico Santos

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Nico Santos

Nico Santos is a Filipino-German singer-songwriter and actor, known for his soulful pop music with R&B influences. His vocal style is characterized by a rich and smooth tone, emotional delivery, and impressive range. In this article, we will explore how to learn singing like Nico Santos and what Singing Carrots resources can help you achieve this goal.

Vocal Technique

One of the most distinctive and appealing aspects of Nico Santos's singing is his ability to convey emotions through his voice. His clean and powerful vocals are often enhanced by subtle vibrato, melismatic runs, and expressive phrasing. To achieve this level of artistry, you need to develop your breath control, pitch accuracy, and emotional connection to the lyrics.

Breathing is the foundation of singing, and proper breath support allows you to sustain notes, add dynamics, and convey the emotions of the song. To learn more about breath support, check out Singing Carrots's article on Breath Support, as well as the Farinelli Breathing exercise video.

Pitch accuracy is another essential skill for singers, and Nico Santos's precise intonation and control of vocal registers showcase his mastery of this skill. Singing Carrots's Pitch Accuracy Test can help you assess your pitch accuracy and identify areas for improvement. Additionally, the Chest Voice Explained video can teach you how to develop the chest voice, which is essential for singing in tune and with power.

Finally, to convey the emotion of a song, you need to connect to its lyrics and convey them with authenticity and passion. Singing Carrots's Singing with Intuition, Skills, Emotion, and Thinking article provides valuable insights into how to develop your emotional connection to the music you sing.


If you want to learn singing like Nico Santos, you should study his songs and try to emulate his style while adding your unique flavor to it. Some of Nico's most popular songs include:

  • Rooftop: This upbeat and catchy song showcases Nico's dynamic range, vocal agility, and soulful inflections. To learn more about vocal agility, check out Singing Carrots's article on Contemporary Vocal Techniques.
  • Safe: This emotional ballad highlights Nico's ability to convey vulnerability and intimacy through his voice. To learn more about singing with vibrato, check out the Beggars Bounce and Diaphragm Bounce videos.
  • Like I Love You: This upbeat R&B track showcases Nico's smooth and effortless vocals, as well as his ability to blend different registers seamlessly. To learn more about voice registers and vocal breaks, check out Singing Carrots's article on voice registers and the Mixed Voice and Voice Break exercise videos.

You can find the sheet music, chords, and karaoke versions of Nico's songs in Singing Carrots's Songbook.


Learning to sing like Nico Santos requires developing a range of vocal skills, such as breath control, pitch accuracy, emotional connection, vocal agility, and register blending. Singing Carrots provides a wealth of resources to help you acquire and refine these skills, including articles, exercise videos, vocal tests, pitch monitor, and vocal training games. By studying Nico's unique vocal technique and his songs, you can craft your own style and become a more expressive and confident singer.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.